
Chase Grammar School
Convent Close,
WS11 0UR
+44(0)1543 501 800

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Adrian, Year11

I have now attended this school for almost three years. I came to this school because of the small class sizes. My previous secondary school lacked the ability to give each individual student the time and attention they deserved.

Our teachers are versatile in their methods, suiting every student, and are quick to act upon changes, be it relating to our classes or otherwise.

My skills across every subject have developed further than I ever could have imagined. Exam technique, study and communicational skills are my most prized.

For my Chase Passport credits I have donated food to the harvest collection and have provided musical performances for our assemblies.

There are plenty of events to participate in, such as school trips and competitions. The enrichment scheme was also a great fun, with a large range of activities for us to choose from. There’s a real sense of community among us students, due to us all knowing each other so well.